It’s gonna be May

Ah, happy Sunday, Folks!

My busy month of April is coming to a close, which means:

It's gonna be May

Hahahahaha I’m sorry! I had to. That there, is one of my most favorite MEME’s. Good ‘ol J.T.

April was a doozy for the Wasser clan! I had a very sick baby, rebranded Jackie Anna Photo, and joined my sister-in-law in selling Origami Owl! (If you have yet to experience Origami Owl head on over to the site and take a peek! And order by midnight tonight to get your gift in time for Mother’s Day!) And now, I have a sick 4 year old! All whilst the hubba-dubba is away in Texas attending school. But, alas! The silver lining is near, he’ll be home in 3 short (hopefully) weeks. And then we can have our most anticipated Gatsby date!

I have put together yet another session of Mini’s for Mother’s Day :] If you or a loved one is in the Camp Lejeune area, shoot me a line so we  can get you booked! Bring a friend and you each get 10% off!

mothers day minis 2

I absolutely love photographing kids with their moms.  The love is so evident even the most oblivious passer-by can see it :] Here’s Tristan and me last year:




If it weren’t for husbands and tripods, us photog moms would never get photos of us with our babies!

Ta ta for now :]



“No amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart.”


Those that know me, even just a wee bit, know that my love for Leonardo DiCaprio runs deep. Ah yes. In 1991 when Luke Brower moved into the Seaver’s house, I took one look at him and my 5 year old brain thought “SCHWING!” I was a goner. However, when he was Romeo, that was it. Sign, sealed, delivered, I’m yours, baby! (I won’t even merge into Jack Dawson territory.)

Now, those that know me a little more than a wee bit, know my love for Mr. F. Scott Fitzgerald, or, whom I refer to most as “Fitzy,” is a grand love. Now, when you combine my favorite author, and my favorite actor, do you know what happens? Nothing. Because I can’t stop watching the new trailer for Gatsby (you can watch and obsess over it here: to let anything happen.

Okay, I have to say this: Brett Wasser, I will love you til the day I die. You will forever be my always and you have made my life nothing but pure win. I love you more than Leo and Fitzy. Combined. And then trippled and multiplied and combined again.

I just couldn’t have my greatest love feeling shadowed by my minion loves. :]

Alright, alright. GUESS WHAT I DID THIS MORNING!!! I was graced by the presence of my dear friends, Sarah and Nolan, and their two rugrats, Caleb and Elizabeth. And yes, there was a photo session involved :] Take a peek:


I have had the honor of photographing these two for the past year, love seeing how much they grow!

And now ladies and gents, it’s time for me to pop in “Sleepless in Seattle” and do some packing. I’m packing up the munchkins and the mutt and heading up north tomorrow :]


Little Things

happy tristan

Happy Easter! Happy April! Happy warm(er) weather!

Good Morning All!

I woke up to a baby cooing (well, Cooper tends to sound more like a goat, but I’ve yet to find a proper one word description for it), the birds chirping, a preschooler’s feet in my face and a wopping 50 degree morning :] Needless to say my good mood is here for good reason!

Our weekend consisted of a BBQ, Darth Vader “heads” (plastic easter eggs in the shape of Darth Vader’s head..because nothing says Easter like colorful Darth Vader heads!) hiding in the front yard, and so. Much. Candy. Tristan had a blast. We let him eat candy until he got an upset tummy..such great parents we are! Cooper, being 6 months old, had no clue what was going on, but enjoyed the excitement of his big bro nonetheless.

I had to drop the hubba-dubba off at the airport on Sunday. Luckily this should be our last farewell for a long time, and he’ll only be gone for a month! Thanks to living the Military Wife Life, keeping busy for a month will be a piece of cake. Especially with the spring photo sessions I have coming up! Anddddd hopefully by the time he gets back, I will be an official desginer for Origami Owl!

Remember to keep your spirits high and light, happiness is quite the contagious emotion ;]

xoxo lovelies!

La Vie en Rose


Ah, good evening :] 

I can’t believe I’m actually blogging for a second time. This is a record for me! I have tried to blog a few times before, and let’s just say I very unkindly, let them die. So for this feat, I will reward myself with some form of milk chocolate.

How did I start my Tuesday off, you ask? Well, let me begin by bragging about my morning workout that included the “300” (remember that movie? Gerard Butler’s muscles in all their beautiful, drool-worthy, swoon-worthy, glory?) ab routine. Let me also state that my morning workout ONLY included the “300”  ab routine. It has gotten easier the more I do it, which gives me hope that for one, my abdominals have not retired, and two, that I will indeed, continue to do it! Wish I would have gotten a picture of my work out pal (the infamous T-man [he’s my 4 year old]) attemtping “the frogger move” (as he named it) with me. How I get anything done with him around is far beyond my realm of comprehension! 

I have been itching to do a photo session all week, and since my latest client and I had to reschedule, I decided to do something that I do from time to time to take the edge off. So, when the boys were snuggled up warm in their beds, I found my other BIF (best internet friend), Pandora, and when Louie started singing “La Vie en Rose” I started my task. I dug around in old folders of photo sessions past, and started to re-edit a session I did in my not-so glory days. A very lovely beach wedding. Oh, how I love to photograph weddings. Every raw emotion is available for my taking. And exploiting..through photographs of course.

I was hoping to post some before and after shots, but New Girl started 10 minutes ago and my attention is wavering! I must bid you all farwell, and hopefully tomorrow I’ll get around to posting those shots ;]